”We drilled in the target area and found water two metres down.
Phillip Reid Paringa, Capella
It is expensive but so is drilling holes.
SECURE water supplies are like liquid gold for primary producers and the unprecedented dry conditions are emptying dams, drying up creeks and sending bores in to overdrive.
But gone are the days of relying solely on water diviners and drilling programs, with Geo9 helping landholders strike water using science and technology.
Philip Reid, of Paringa, Capella, worked with Geo9 and Emerald-based 4T Consultants for an excellent result.
“We were looking for more water… so we decided to give this a go,” Mr Reid said.
“We drilled in the target area and found water two metres down.”
Mr Reid said the process spanned over four months.
“It is expensive but so is drilling holes,” he said.
“A good supply of water adds a lot of value to the property.”
Planning in advance was the key, Mr Reid said.
“If you’re in trouble for water, it is not something you can do fast.
“There is no guarantee… they can’t find water where there isn’t any.”
The water will be used on Paringa Station for Mr Reid’s feedlot operation.
Geo9 managing director Maya Sydney said the company used the skills of exploration geologists, hydrogeologists, remote-sensing and geophysical experts.
“Our groundwater exploration program is an affordable and systematic process that takes the guesswork out of drilling,” Ms Sydney said.
4T Consultants Ian Rankine worked on the ground with Mr Reid.
“We are very busy doing surveys across Central Queensland to assist landholders to find groundwater, to provide water as the drought tightens its grip,” Mr Rankine said. “The groundwater was exactly where the Geo9 team said it would be, and it was an excellent flow.”
Originally published as Hi tech divining for Central Highlands